A Fractured Starter Guide:
An Interview with Sci-Fi Author and Transformation Coach, ishKiia Paige
NOTE: There are a few FRACTURED “spoilers” in this article and video for the purpose of the discussion.
I remember when I published my first Sci-Fi book, The Data Collectors, some of the reviews found it “too complex for light reading.” But then I both read and listened to the audiobook versions of ishKiia Paige’s breakout novel, Fractured, with its multifaceted, multidimensional theme and storyline, and felt as if Paige were somehow looking at me saying, “They think your writing is too in-depth? Hold my beer!”
Fractured takes the reader on a transformational journey, blending quantum mechanics and body mechanics with spirituality and life lessons, all told in an epic story rich with metaphors that are less about what the author intended, and more about how the reader interprets it, and more importantly, how they are changed by it.
For those in the first few chapters of Fractured, there are lots of puzzle pieces that take time to put together. Stick with it, and it’ll make sense as you keep reading.
But if you need a quick-start guide, I got to interview ishKiia Paige to ask more about the inspiration and thoughts behind Fractured. A few questions from our Q&A session are below, and you can watch the complete video here:
Q: What was the inspiration behind this multifaceted book, Fractured?
The book is definitely multifaceted. But I never wanted to write a book…never aspired to write a book. But people have told me so many times, “You have to write a book about your life.” And I’d say, “I don’t, really.”
In my life, “no” was never part of my vocabulary, so I would try just about anything. I’ve done world tours to represent the United States and martial arts. I’ve worked in the engineering world and was in a research center implementing complex systems software. Some of the things I have done were just crazy. And then people would say, “Well, then you had all of these bad experiences. It’s amazing how you overcame them.”
[Note: Including being told years ago that she was going to die in less than three months…Spoiler, she’s still here!]
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard it. You can hear it a million times, and then someone says it one time and something resonates inside. And that’s what happened. I suddenly had this knowing. “I have to do this. I’m going to write a book about my life.”
But, I just didn’t want to relive it. I lived it once. I’ve had plenty of great experiences, plenty of bad experiences. And I would just rather live in the “now.” But then I finally came to a compromise, and I thought, “Well, with what I’ve learned in my life, it isn’t worth shit unless I share it.” But I didn’t want to preach. I came to the conclusion that I would write this book, but I wanted people to learn by having fun. I wanted them to read a story, an adventure. But I didn’t want them being preached at, or feeling like they’re being told to believe something; because there’s an alchemy there, people are different.
Q: There are many layers to Fractured, but to start, can you give us a surface level description as to what it’s about?
Well, on, on a surface level, there a main character Zreyas Rittak. He comes from a race called the Janquar Nation, and he has a brother. He doesn’t realize that he actually loves his brother dearly [“Love” is an emotion not common to their culture]. They are a very waring nation. They don’t show emotion. It’s all about killing. It’s all about making their horns grow from the kills and the bad intentions that go along with it. When they kill, their horns grow longer, and they mold them [as a sign of power.] But I didn’t start with the main character. I wanted you to get invested in two other important characters first, Ayya and Aru, so you could understand what’s behind the main character. Otherwise, he and the story would seem too shallow.
FRACTURED: Where Science Fiction meets Fantasy for an Epic Transformational Journey
Zreyas Rittak is second in line to be Emperor of the Janquar Nation. He harbors a weakness for his brother, and he will do anything to ascend to the throne in order to protect him. But his universe crumbles and all his plans are derailed when an anomaly helps the Dark One escape from his once-hidden dimensional prison. Chaos ensues when fractures crack the skies. Zreyas takes extreme measures to protect his brother and ends up being hunted by his own people. Can he adapt to his new circumstances and protect his brother from the Dark One? Will his primitive weapons and skills be enough in a world of advanced technology he isn’t accustomed to?
Q: What is a fracture?
Well, a fracture is simply an anomaly that has happened that we don’t understand. And, you know, you can add layers to it, which is intended. Fractures are anything that disrupt life, or the status quo, or an inconvenience, or something scary, you know? It depends on the person, what they get out of it because we are all different. We have all different experiences, that kind of thing. So, it’s a straight up adventure. Essentially, you are starting a new life because there’s no returning.
Q: I’ve heard you describe the Sleeping Phoenix series as a “transformational journey.” What does that mean?
I truly try to give my legacy with every character, and every one of them has an alchemy. But that alchemy changes when you put them together and they interact. Some people will relate more to one character or another because of their experience. But when you put them all together in this story, they are like water drops that magnify. It’s a transformational journey because, as my one friend puts it, “When you take your left brain out of it, the world just opens up.” One of the reasons why I wanted to write this book was because I wanted to leave a legacy and I wanted to pass on my life experience lessons without being preachy. So I designed this book based on science…frequency science, quantum science, etc. I had one reader write to me because she got the book in the mail by accident when Amazon sent her the wrong order. But she read it, and told me how her whole world changed. [More of this story in the video.]
Q: What is the biggest takeaway you hope readers will leave with after reading Fractured?
I want people to understand that it’s okay to not have all the answers to life’s questions right away, just like you won’t have all the answers at the beginning of the series. Just have fun on the journey and don’t sink in the details. The details will surface on their own. Every time you read these books, you will get what you are ready for about the life hacks, empathy, compassion and love in your life.
CLICK HERE to watch the complete interview with ishKiia Paige. CLICK HERE to buy a copy of Fractured.