Book Review: Flavors of Love

A Personal Exploration

3 min readOct 16, 2023

Originally published on Reedsy Discovery. Read the synopsis and more HERE.

An exploration of love in its many facets at the intersection where psychology, human science and metaphysics meet.

Flavors of Love (A Personal Exploration) by Martin Luthke is an unapologetic and yet approachable and nonjudgmental look at love from every angle: lovers, friends, family and the divine. If you can imagine yourself in an ice cream parlor where you can sample all the flavors on the menu, this book provides a tiny instruction manual sampling the elements of what it means to love oneself and others. Luthke’s keen insight includes much food for thought as he shares his perspective on love in the context of psychology, human science and metaphysics. What is refreshingly absent from his perspective is any obligation from the reader to agree with the information provided. Rather, the book is an invitation for the reader to reflect on their own beliefs and possibly challenge what they currently believe.

For me, the book flowed through several components: personal stories, the components of love and love throughout a life cycle, and the role of karma and the metaphysical world. Luthke sets the stage of Flavors of Love by sharing intimate parts of his romantic life, openly, honestly and free from labels. He also examines gender identity and romantic preferences through a cultural lens, and how those expectations impact our sense of self and how we express ourselves to those around us.

Next, the book delves into how we learn to love and the role of parenting on our emotional development. Readers will discover many “aha’s” here from both the child and parent perspective. There are ample nuggets of wisdom regarding how parents can nurture, soothe and support while instilling boundaries, structure and teaching children how to self-regulate their “inner weather.” We are also encouraged to acknowledge that we are chemical beings, affected by feel-good neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphin, as well as stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol. To understand ourselves, we must take into consideration all the components that make us human.

Luthke writes, “Attitudes about nudity, our body’s looks and its functions are deeply ingrained and hard to correct if they are burdened by shame, inhibitions, judgments, feelings of inferiority, or self-hatred.” He later adds, “The need to be seen by others often competes with the fear of judgment or rejection.” To me, these words are the crux of Flavors of Love.

Finally, and admittedly my favorite part of the book, is the discussion integrating all aspects of Self across all lifetimes: past lives and parallel dimensions, and how the thinning of the veil between these realms can explain why many people do not conform to the dominant majority. Instead, we are seeking the cohesion of our complete and authentic self. Luthke also touches on our individual and collective karma for soul growth and karmic balancing.

Flavors of Love is a power-packed little book of wisdom that I highly recommend for anyone seeking to understand their own loving nature.

Originally published on Reedsy Discovery. Read the synopsis and more HERE.

[Note: I received an Advanced Review Copy on Reedsy Discovery.]




Written by Daniellepalli

Nationally Board-Certified Positive Psychology & Mindfulness Coach, Author & Book Coach, Multimedia Content Creator. Free-spirited outlier enamored with life.

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