“I Am Enough.”
Feeling Worthy and Valued
As a Positive Psychology & Mindfulness Coach and Metaphysical Minister, I’ve worked with many clients over the years in all areas of career, relationships, lifestyle changes (e.g., exercising more, losing weight, etc.) and building a mindfulness and meditation practice for stress reduction.
Most of the time, there is one key underlying issue that undermines our efforts in many areas of our life, and that is a lack of self-worth.
For a person writing a book, it might be, “What makes me think I have anything of value to say?” Or for a person who has ended a romantic partnership, they may tell themselves, “I am unloveable.” And for the person trying to lose weight, if they don’t meet their goal, they may say to themselves, “I am a failure.”
Well, guess what? NONE of that is true. We all have something valuable to offer the world. We are all worthy of love, and when life doesn’t turn out exactly as we’d hoped, we are not failures. We just need to make adjustments. As Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed 10,000 times — I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”
Step one in achieving any goal is to tune inward and notice what lies we are telling ourselves about any lack of worthiness, and begin to change the internal dialogue. I talk more about this in my recent video below…
For those interested in diving deeper into this topic, CLICK HERE to try this free meditation in Insight Timer, and CLICK HERE to purchase my new “I Am Enough” workbook. I welcome questions and comments: Danielle@BirdlandMediaWorks.com or visit BirdlandMediaWorks.com.